Program reports "unable to create image file"

Started by Ronald Pouch

Ronald Pouch

Program reports "unable to create image file"   23 February 2013, 07:01

Installed on sony laptop running windows 8 64bit. Get "unable to create image file" when try to create image file as per help instructions. what to do?
thanks and regards
Ronald Pouch

Program reports "unable to create image file"   23 February 2013, 07:05

Just Installed, Now, on Sony laptop running Windows 8 64bit 12GB of memory, 250 GB SSD 113GB free. Get error "Unable to create image file" when try to create image file as per Help file. What to do? thanks and regards


Program reports "unable to create image file"   23 February 2013, 21:57

How large did you try to make the image file?

PS: It helps to provide a bit of information up front, rather than expect others to dig for information.

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