Persistent image files

Started by Restless Spirit

Restless Spirit

Persistent image files   21 May 2013, 19:54

Hi, I'm using RamDisk v3.3.3 (64-bit) and think it’s a great piece of software. I just have a couple of questions regarding persistent image files:

1) When "save contents to associated image file every X mins" is selected, what happens if the ram disk is being written to at the same time as its contents are being saved to the image file?

2) Are the contents of the ram disk backup up incrementally to the image file (i.e. only changes are saved) or is the whole image file overwritten?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

persistent image files   22 May 2013, 00:01

1) In this case writing to the RAM disk will fail and it's locked for the duration of the image save operation. The file system should never get corrupted though.

2) Incrementally. Only changes are written back to the image file.
Restless Spirit

persistent image files   22 May 2013, 02:59

That's good to know. Thanks for the quick reply! smile

persistent image files   16 June 2013, 03:11

If I have a mounted RAMDisk and edit it's properties to enable "Save Contents to Image", when I click OK it asks if I want to unmount and remount the image to save the changed setting, to which I say no.

Then I unmount the image and it saves it but is this also incremental or is that only when using the "Save every x mins" option?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

persistent image files   16 June 2013, 03:56

It's always incremental, whether you remount it or it's being saved periodically.

persistent image files   16 June 2013, 04:08

Cool, thanks.

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