Using command line to save RAM Disk image

Started by 124816


Using command line to save RAM Disk image   06 August 2013, 14:17

Windows has tools to automatically execute commands when the battery is nearly empty.
Can I use any command (in command line) to save RamDisk image to the file? It is really need when my laptop battery is almost discharged.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Using command line to save RAM Disk image   06 August 2013, 22:05

We have added a new command-line parameter in the latest build.

It can be used as
ramdiskws.exe /save:all
ramdiskws.exe /save:Z
where Z is a drive letter. This will save all or a specific RAM disk to an associated image file, provided that disk has got that associated image file.

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