Operation failed, code C0000043

Started by shibuup

Operation failed, code C0000043   31 October 2015, 03:43

I installed the latest version on Windows 10. When I load the RAM disk (NTFS) from image to drive letter, Y, it says operation failed with status code C0000043 and image status = Unknown Reason. 0 The operation completed successfully.

Re: Link Creation Failed - Operation failed, code C0000043   31 October 2015, 03:52

It creates a hidden disk I:
open | download – Capture2.PNG (7.9 KB)
open | download – Capture.PNG (8.9 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Operation failed, code C0000043   31 October 2015, 17:22

This error code is STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION, which sounds like other software is accessing the same file. Try disabling your antivirus real-time file scanning.

Re: Operation failed, code C0000043   04 November 2015, 04:15

There is no anti virus software. The real is issue sounds like some how, I can't mount against Y: drive. The same image file can be mounted on another drive (eg. X or W etc..). I know sometime back SoftPerfect RAM was working perfectly on Y: and got crash. And from then on mounting on Y: always results in "link creation failed 183 file already exists"
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Operation failed, code C0000043   04 November 2015, 09:33

In that case it sounds like the Mount Manager has something assigned to Y:\ already. Check these registry paths and if there's anything referring to Y:\ there, delete those entries and reboot.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\DOS Devices

Re: Operation failed, code C0000043   04 November 2015, 13:23

I checked all the places, there is no direct reference to Y: drive in any of the places. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices shows a lot of hex coded information. I am not able to attach this screensize. (Total file size is only 160KB. <all file together limit. But it exceeds the individual limit (>100kb).
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Operation failed, code C0000043   04 November 2015, 13:43

Then I am afraid I have no other ideas other than just use a different drive letter it works with.

Re: Operation failed, code C0000043   04 November 2015, 14:18

Ok.. thanks.

I just found a work around. I mount it on X: drive , open X: in command prompt , then use the dos command SUBST Y: .
This way I can access all the files as Y:\

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