ramdiskws.exe file: what is it and do I need it?

Started by NiMiZ

ramdiskws.exe file: what is it and do I need it?   10 April 2018, 07:11


I have been using RamDisk for some time now and I recently re-installed my OS (Windows 10 64bit) and now I'm getting the following message on startup:
"ramdiskws.exe - Entry Point Not Found
the procedure entry point VvlibformatImage could not be located in the dynamic link library d:\program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\ramdiskwe.exe"

I can see that ramdiskws.exe is activated by the startup and I can disable it, but I can't find what is does and what is the difference from ramdisk.exe. Do I need it? How can I fix the problem?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: ramdiskws.exe file   10 April 2018, 09:34

File ramdiskws.exe used to be a part of older versions of SoftPerfect RAM Disk software. Newer versions of RAM Disk do not include it.

In your case, it looks like there are some remnants from an older version. I would recommend to uninstall it, reboot, and then follow this guide to manually remove any leftovers.

After that, simply reboot again and install the latest version of RAM Disk.

Re: ramdiskws.exe file   10 April 2018, 15:54

Thank you! I did as you say. Now I have just ramdisk.exe and it seems to be working fine.

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