Creating RAMdisk with command line

Started by A. C.

A. C.

Creating RAMdisk with command line   07 August 2018, 12:14

Good day.
I am trying to add a RAM disk with this command line:
ramdiskc.exe /add:"type=boot, letter=Z, fs=NTFS, size=1G"
... and getting this error: "General error: Invalid letter string: type=boot, letter=Z, fs=NTFS, size=1G"
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Creating RAMdisk with command line   07 August 2018, 12:26

These command line parameters work with ramdisk.exe and allow you to manipulate RAM disks configured in the running GUI instance.

If you want to use ramdiskc.exe, which is a console version designed to be called from services or scripts, simply run it without parameters to see its syntax and usage examples as shown below:

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