Hard drive emulation and "exception not handled"

Started by mraksoll

Hard drive emulation and "exception not handled"   05 May 2020, 21:26

Windows 10, blue screen with STOP 0x0000001E - KMODE_EXEPTION_NOT_HANDLED happens sometimes if I'm using hard drive emulation with image and trying to unmount. With no emulation blue screen doesn't not happen.

RAM Disk ver 4.0.9 64 bit
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Hard drive emulation and "exception not handled"   05 May 2020, 22:57

It's not really possible to tell what's happening without a kernel dump. It could be our RAM Disk driver's issue or another product driver's fault.

Please see this link for how to configure the OS for memory dump (kernel memory dump) and once the crash occurs, please send us the dump file.

Alternatively you could use the tool called WhoCrashed and send us its output.

Re: Hard drive emulation and "exception not handled"   06 May 2020, 00:44

Ok I will try the new version and make a kernel dump it it happens again.

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