MacOS version, or a way to run under Wine

Started by A


MacOS version, or a way to run under Wine   17 November 2024, 12:54


I am trying to run consim.exe under Wine, however Wine cannot initialize the network driver required for Connection Emulator to work. So I was wondering if there were any plans for a MacOS port in the future. And if not, is it possible to get the program running under Wine?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: MacOS version, or a way to run under Wine   17 November 2024, 19:10

Unfortunately it will not work under Wine because it relies on a driver within the Windows networking stack, which is not supported by Wine.

For macOS, you can use a tool called Network Link Conditioner, which is part of Xcode and can be installed as explained here.

Re: MacOS version, or a way to run under Wine   23 November 2024, 05:11

Would it be possible to at least have Windows for ARM support? The current installer doesn't run on Windows ARM
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: MacOS version, or a way to run under Wine   26 November 2024, 09:54

At the moment it is not possible, as our development environment does not support Windows on ARM.
In the future, if such machines become more widely used, we will probably be looking for a solution.

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