Application reporting in the portable version

Started by Praxis

Application reporting in the portable version   01 August 2015, 23:43

Hi Andrew,

I can see the Application tab in the Installed instance but not in the Portable, you probably answered this before but I checked Help and found nothing. Would I have to use the portable to Monitor my router and change the Installed to Monitor 'All connections'?

I wanted to ask before I invest all the work of switching databases and still not being able to get what I want.

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Re: Application reporting in the portable version   02 August 2015, 15:16

The Applications tab along with the Ignore LAN traffic option is not available in the portable version because it requires a driver to be installed. As any portable software shouldn't and often can't install drivers, so I am afraid there's no way to have it in the portable version.

Re: Application reporting in the portable version   02 August 2015, 21:05

OK, thanks Andrew,

I set up a Portable to monitor my router and then set up the Installed to monitor All connections, Ignoring LAN and that works.
I copied the original db from the Installed to the Portable folder and then Cleared the Installed and get the correct totals.


Re: Application reporting in the portable version   02 August 2015, 22:22

I've actually set up two Portable instances plus the Installed.
Installed 1 monitors All connections ignoring Local, and should be very close to Portable 1 traffic
Portable 1 monitors the router for all external WAN traffic
Portable 2 monitors the D-Link wireless adapter to record Local traffic related to my video security cameras

In order to make it easier to check the Monitored interface for the three windows, I ticked the [ ] box for Display window title bar in all three.
It works for both Portables but not the Installed. ?????
That's still OK since I have the windows side by side and the Monitored interface also shows at the left of the graph in the section to Display usage summary on the graph.

But I then thought that it would be nice to show the Monitored interface at the top of each Tab in Settings because I could have all 3 Settings open at the same time when I'm making sure that I've made appropriate changes for all 3, such as in the spring and fall when I have to modify the Time zone offset (mins) to sync with my ISPs usage of UDT. Not a big deal, but would be a 'nice to have' if you have some spare time laugh.


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