Suggestion: Reserve display space to avoid overlapping maximized apps

Started by Tobias

I am considering to upgrade from Version 5.5.5 to a current 6.x build but I am missing one function: the possibility to reserve the screen space Networx needs so other maximized apps won't overlap it.

Currently I always need to use sizeable Windows and manually drag them to fit the available area. I have a 1080p dual screen layout with Networx manually placed and locked at the bottom of the second screen.
My options are:
- Frameless graph window: true
- Snap graph to desktop edges: false
- Click through: enabled

Please create a way to avoid any overlap for other maximized apps.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Suggestion: Reserve display space to avoid overlapping maximized apps   18 December 2017, 11:32

Thank you for your feedback. This is a very good suggestion. We will check what can be done to implement something like this.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Suggestion: Reserve display space to avoid overlapping maximized apps   18 December 2017, 13:56

We have added a new setting that allows you to have the graph docked above or below the desktop workspace. You can download the new build here and configure it as shown below.

When docked above or below the workspace, the space will be reserved, and maximised windows will not cover it, same way as it happens with the taskbar. This functionality will be included in the upcoming release of version 6.1.

SoftPerfect support forum

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