Network Scanner for macOS: new release

Started by Ann

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Network Scanner for macOS: new release   31 March 2017, 14:14

A version of SoftPerfect Network Scanner for macOS is now available. Where possible, we implemented functions the same way they are in the Windows version.

What has been ported:
  • IPv4 and IPv6 pinging
  • TCP and UDP port scanning
  • MAC address and NIC vendor retrieval
  • Host name retrieval via DNS and NetBios
  • Multiple ranges support, non-contiguous ranges
  • Grabbing FTP and HTTP banners
  • Shared folders and printers retrieval
  • Auto-detecting local IP address range
  • Remote SNMP, SSH and XML
  • Friendly names and comments

What may be ported in the future:
  • Bookmarks
  • Wake-on-LAN
  • Display filters
  • DHCP and UPnP discovery
  • Virtual columns

What cannot be ported due to Windows-specific functionality:
  • Workstation, workgroup and domain-related functions
  • Remote WMI, Services, Files, Groups, Performance, PowerShell and Scripting

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