Adding multiple users in credential manager

Started by Berty

Adding multiple users in credential manager   21 April 2022, 15:53

Hello. How can I add a list of users and passwords to the credential manager so that I don't have to add one at a time?
In XML, the password is encrypted with some algorithm, can you tell me which one?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Adding multiple users in credential manager   21 April 2022, 21:57

In XML files passwords are Base-64 encoded and encrypted by a XOR against the GUID associated with each item.

Rather than recreating that, it would probably be easier and more effective if we add an import feature where multiple credentials can be loaded from a text file. Something like this:
Is this what you are looking for?

Re: Adding multiple users in credential manager   22 April 2022, 11:31

Yes. This opportunity is sorely lacking.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Adding multiple users in credential manager   23 April 2022, 23:15

We have just added the requested feature in the latest builds.

You can now import/export user credentials to a file, with the format being simple CSV as outlined above.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Adding multiple users in credential manager   25 April 2022, 18:54

Thanks a lot. I did not expect such prompt assistance.

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