How to add Sysinternals PsShutdown to applications list

Started by H.Armand


How to add Sysinternals PsShutdown to applications list   26 September 2022, 16:47

In Applications tab under Options menu, I'm trying to add psshutdown.exe from Microsoft Sysinternals, but nothing happens.

This is the line that I added:
"C:\Windows\System32\psshutdown.exe" -f -r -m:%0
I also tried -v:%0
What am I doing wrong?

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Re: How to add Sysinternals PsShutdown to applications list   26 September 2022, 17:03

According to PsShutdown manual, it should be:
psshutdown -f -r \\%0
Alternatively, you can use Actions - Remote Shutdown from the Network Scanner main menu. It basically provides the same functionality with a GUI.
Thank you!

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