Scanning different subnet

Started by Keith


Scanning different subnet   30 November 2022, 10:16

I have configured Router SNMP MIB query with the correct community string and router IP address, but it is not returning the correct MAC addresses. Instead it's returning the MAC address for the router. I have verified that the router supports using a MIB browser.
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Re: Scanning different subnet   30 November 2022, 10:41

There are a couple of settings that may help with this:

1. In Options - General, ensure that Allow ARP outside current subnet is not checked:

SoftPerfect support forum

2. In Options - Additional, move Router SNMP MIB query up in the list, so it would take priority over ARP requests:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Scanning different subnet   30 November 2022, 10:54

That fixed the subnet scanning issue. Thank you.

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