Command line switches to create an image

Started by Slava


Command line switches to create an image   21 January 2013, 03:35

Hello, Itried to create an image without mounting, like:
Image --> Create Image

But It seems that this can't be done via CLI.
Can you please add this in future version ?

"C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\ramdiskws.exe" "/add:fs=NTFS, image=D:\imagefile.svi, size=200M, label=Temp"
Command line error: incorrect value for letter.

"C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\ramdiskws.exe" "/add:letter=R, fs=NTFS, image=D:\imagefile.svi, size=200M, label=Temp, mount=no"
Will create image with 1M size, but not 200M

"C:\Program Files\SoftPerfect RAM Disk\ramdiskws.exe" "/add:letter=R, fs=NTFS, image=D:\imagefile.svi, size=200M, label=Temp, mount=yes"
Operation failed with status code = C0000034 and image status code = Image header is corrupted or not accessible.

Thank you.

Command line switches to create an image   22 January 2013, 00:17

Also switches for mount/unmount created image(not adding as load/boot drive).

Thank you.

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