Browser loses settings every time I reboot?

Started by Rod


Browser loses settings every time I reboot?   29 August 2013, 10:42

Hello everyone,

Quick question, I created a 4GB RAMdisk just for Google Chrome, and then installed/moved Chrome over to the RAMdisk. I then created and used a img file so it would save at ever reboot or shutdown. However, when I turn on my computer Chrome is back to the stock settings. I have to sign in to all my sites, banks, ebay etc etc. All my font settings are back to stock and the only thing it saves is the theme and backgrounds.

I used the junction method to move Chrome and all the User Data over to the RAMdisk and wondering if that was a mistake. Below is the guide I used. Is there another method that will do the same but allow the settings to restore on every boot?

Browser loses settings every time I reboot?   30 August 2013, 02:49

Ok, I just wanted to say I fixed the problem. Apparently there was one more setting I missed during the creation of the image. Looks like everything is now saving just fine.


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