25% increase in CPU usage after mounting a RAM disk

Started by xAddict3Dx


25% increase in CPU usage after mounting a RAM disk   17 December 2013, 05:10

They usually say a picture is worth more than thousand words, so i decided to make a video of it: http://youtu.be/aZAO8fPC3-I

The process that shows this increase is: System

Is this increase normal?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: 25% increase in CPU usage after mounting a RAM disk   07 January 2014, 18:13

No, it's a bug. We'll fix it shortly.

Re: 25% increase in CPU usage after mounting a RAM disk   15 January 2014, 17:54

The bug has been fixed in 3.4.4 release. Please download the latest version.
I had the same problem in version 3.4.3: one of the four CPU cores was 100% busy (i.e. 25% overall CPU usage). The problem is fixed in version 3.4.4.

Re: 25% increase in CPU usage after mounting a RAM disk?!   20 January 2014, 10:26

Okay.. hopefully those other bugs don't spoil the fun (BSOD's when changing settings of a mounted RAM disk or unmounting a RAM disk, and random data-loss, even with "Save to Disk" enabled... under Windows 7 x64 Ultimate).

I'll report back whenever i found the time (and guts) to test this.

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