Hard drive emulation results in unallocated ramdisk

Started by i2k

Somehow creating a hard drive emulated ramdisk doesn't work for me.

I create an image, then use the image to create boot disk.
It appears to be mounted according to the SoftPerfect RAM Disk window but in Disk Management it appears as unallocated.
It also doesn't show in My Computer.

On restart it shows as unmounted, but the unallocated 'SoftPerfect Virtual Disk' still shows in Disk Management.

Attempting to mount the disk from the SoftPerfect RAM Disk window gives this error:
Operation failed with status code = C0000043 and image status code = Unknown reason
0 The operation completed sucessfully

Before this I was using a ramdisk without hard drive emulation fine.

I'm running Windows 8.1 Update 1
Ok, I solved it myself.

I uninstalled SoftPerfect RAM Disk and started over.

I create an image, then use the image to create boot disk.
This time round I created a simple volume on the unallocated disk and set it up exactly the same as the image file.
Then I invoke a save to image.

Then it worked.
Ramdisk mounts on reboot and persistence preserved.

Re: Hard drive emulation results in unallocated ramdisk   11 April 2014, 06:38



I create an image, then use the image to create boot disk. It appears to be mounted according to the SoftPerfect RAM Disk window but in Disk Management it appears as unallocated. It also doesn't show in My Computer.

This usually happens when you use different image types (volume or hard disk) while creating image and mounting it.
So is there a correct method of creating a boot mounted hard drive emulated RAM disk?
Or I should have created a hard disk image instead of a volume image?

By the way the reason I'm going for hard drive emulated RAM disk is this:
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Hard drive emulation results in unallocated ramdisk   13 April 2014, 19:15

If you intend to use the image with hard disk emulation turned on, then you also need to create an image of the hard-disk image type.

Choose hard disk here

SoftPerfect support forum
^ Would be good to include in the user manual, or some check can be done on checking hard disk emulation.

Ok, so the correct way is a hard disk image.
I've got it to work with volume image.
Nothing bad will happen, right?

Re: Hard drive emulation results in unallocated ramdisk   14 April 2014, 01:43



Ok, so the correct way is a hard disk image.




I've got it to work with volume image. Nothing bad will happen, right?

Yes, but in that case you will have to create partitions in the Disk Management yourself.
Hi, I have a question. If a put a program that's supposed to run at startup onto the ramdisk, when I reboot, will the ramdisk load first before the program fires at startup?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Hard drive emulation results in unallocated ramdisk   15 April 2014, 13:01

It depends on that particular program. Some programs include kernel-level drivers, in which case the ramdisk may load after those.

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