Command line parameters for RAM Disk

Started by Dan Duriscoe

Dan Duriscoe

Command line parameters for RAM Disk   07 May 2014, 01:55

I am running some long and intensive multi-process Python scripts, and some of these processes (ESRI ArcGIS, for example) run faster and with less wear and tear on physical disks using a RAM disk as scratch file space. Is there a way to control creating and deleting RAM disks from either Python or the Windows OS command line? In PythonWin I can browse for external program Libraries available, and with the makepy utility, automatically create classes and methods for access to these programs, but do not find anything in the directory with either the word "Softperfect" or "Ramdisk" available. If I can create a library in python, I can control the software through the "Dispatch" command which I have done with programs like Excel with success. If there is Windows command-line option to close RAM disks and quit, that would work too (something like "ramdiskws --quit"wink. Anybody else tried this? Basically I just want to automate the commands available in RAM Disk in a script, or at least fire it up and close it down from the command line. I have Windows 7 64 bit.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   07 May 2014, 10:13

Yes, there are command line parameters as described here.

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   29 August 2014, 00:57

Hello. Is there are a parameter to start it minimized in the system tray?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   02 September 2014, 13:26

Yes, launch it as
ramdiskws.exe /hide

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   03 September 2014, 00:35

Thank you! smile

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   11 September 2014, 04:29

Hello. I'm trying to create a Windows desktop shortcut with the /hide argument now, but it nothing happens when I double-click on it.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   11 September 2014, 14:33

Perhaps because it's already running?

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   11 September 2014, 23:39

No, it's not running. For some reason it's working when I try to launch it with /hide from the command line anymore either. Is there a way to completely reinstall it? It keeps the info about my ramdisks when I uninstall it.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   12 September 2014, 10:57

Just remove the c:\ProgramData\SoftPerfect\RAMDiskWS folder manually.

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   13 September 2014, 01:41

I did a complete reinstall, but it doesn't work. See

I tried the /hide parameter with foobar2000, and it worked as expected.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   13 September 2014, 10:42

This happened because you unticked the Launch Automatically with Windows option in the RAM Disk's settings, while launching it with /hide makes RAM Disk think it's launched by the the system.

If you want to launch it manually every time, change the following in the registry:

  1. Remove HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SoftPerfect\RAMDiskWS\General\NoAutoLoad
  2. Remove HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\RAMDiskForWorkstations

Re: Command line parameters for RAM Disk   14 September 2014, 04:27

I actually wanted to launch it with Windows Task Manager to circumvent the issue of not being possible to automatically erase ramdisks on Windows 8.1 without disabling Hybrid Shutdown. Since I couldn't get it to work because of the same setting as you pointed out, I tried to create a shortcut instead.

Thank you for your help. Now my task is working normally and I can launch ramdisk automatically with no delay as soon as I log in. smile

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