Dismounting at session termination failed

Started by Mizagorn


Dismounting at session termination failed   19 September 2014, 01:12


First, I want to say that RAM Disk is such a wonderful tool. All the develops are to be congratulated on such a magnificent piece of software!

I use it for my Windows TEMP area and for the cache areas of my browsers, and have been doing so for a long time.

Recently, I had to free up all RAM to do some video editing. I then redid the RAM drive. Ever since then, I have been getting a dismounting failure message whenever I need to reboot. The advanced options are set to default. Any ideas?

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Re: Dismounting at session termination failed   19 September 2014, 10:05

It looks like the disk can't be unmounted as there are open files on it.

I recommend to use a a boot-time disk (Disk - Add Boot Disk in the main menu) as this type of RAM disk is unmounted at the end of a system shutdown sequence and this issue should no longer occur.

Re: Dismounting at session termination failed   26 November 2014, 11:13

Thanks very much for the advice, Andrew! ok, yes, thumb up

Sorry for taking so long to answer. I guess I was expecting an email. I appreciate your time.

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