RAMDisk Auto Mount at the startup

Started by akhin


RAMDisk Auto Mount at the startup   11 May 2015, 20:07


I am using 64 bit 3.4.6 version of SoftPerfect RAM Disk on Windows Server 2012 R2.

My problem is RAMDisk software is starting at the start-up, however my RAMDrive does not come as mounted. I have to mount it manually by right clicking at each startup. Is there any way to make this automatic?

(I also tried to use different file system on that drive NTFS, FAT etc, but no help)

Many thanks
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: RAMDisk Auto Mount at the startup   11 May 2015, 23:33

It's supposed to be automatic. Just a couple of things to check:

1) Make sure you are creating a boot-time disk, not a logon-type one. It should show in the main view under Disks mounted on boot.

2) Try a smaller RAM Disk size, we've seen cases where the OS denies the allocation of a large amount of RAM on boot.

Hope this helps.

Re: RAMDisk Auto Mount at the startup   19 May 2015, 23:33

Hi Andrew,

Initially we set disk size as 10000 MB. As you advised we lowered that to 4096 and that helped!

Re: RAMDisk Auto Mount at the startup   08 June 2015, 00:52

What if I want to boot up with more 10GB of ram?
Will it load up without login to server after reboot?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: RAMDisk Auto Mount at the startup   08 June 2015, 10:56

May be. It depends on how much free RAM you have available and if the system kernel grants the requested amount to the RAM Disk.

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