Can't see the content of the disk with Windows explorer

Started by iiyama

Can't see the content of the disk with Windows explorer   24 July 2015, 05:04


I got a problem with viewing the content with windows explorer. The content is there, but invisible in my explorer.

I am putting my firefox in. When I try to unmount the image when firefox is still running, I get warning that it is using the firefox inside of the ramdisk. > As proof that it is actually there, or at another location.

How can I fix this issue? Thank you very much.
open | download – ramdisk2.jpg (82.8 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Can't see the content of the disk with Windows explorer   24 July 2015, 11:25

I am afraid I don't know why Windows Explorer doesn't see the drive contents. My best guess would be the folder on it has the hidden or system attribute set, which prevents it from showing.

This article explains how to enable showing hidden folders.

Re: Can't see the content of the disk with Windows explorer   25 July 2015, 03:47

It is already turned on, sad Maybe because he sees it as a DVD/CD stations, but that shouldn't make any difference.

Also I tried it now the opposite way. I added a new folder in to the virtual drive. Saved and unmounted the drive. The new folder wasn't added to the folder where I made the image from. I am not sure if that should be happening. But when I mounted that folder again, this folder showed up. So it was saved to the image correctly.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Can't see the content of the disk with Windows explorer   25 July 2015, 17:16

Sorry I have no idea why this is happening. You can try a different file system, e.g. FAT32 to see if it changes anything.

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