System Volume Information on RAMDisk. Retained log-in credentials

Started by hjlbx

Hello Andrew,

I have configured volatile RAM Disk. It is mounted as a removable disk. System Volume Information keeps getting added to the RAM Disk drive.

Also, in all browsers, when I log-in to websites and select "Stay logged-in", followed by a reboot, when I return to the website I am automatically logged-in. This is unexpected behavior... as I would expect that all log-in credentials are lost upon system reboot. Are the log-in credentials installed in a location other than the browser cache?

Best Regards,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: System Volume Information on RAMDisk. Retained log-in credentials   23 August 2015, 18:54

System Volume Information is usually created by the Windows Search service. You may want to turn it off if you are not using it.

As to browser log-on credentials, cookies and history are all normally stored in a different location, usually somewhere in c:\Users\<username>\

Re: System Volume Information added to RAMDisk   24 August 2015, 05:03

From reading the User Manual, I understand that classifying a RAM Disk as removable should prevent System Volume Information from being loaded into it. Is this not correct ?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: System Volume Information added to RAMDisk   24 August 2015, 18:32

It's generally correct, however Windows Search can do that as well, even for removable drivers. Here is an article on how to turn this off.

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