Make RAM disk persistent (via command line interface)

Started by foxy-wildthing


Make RAM disk persistent (via command line interface)   27 August 2015, 16:42


is there a way to create a persistent ram disk via command line interface (CLI)?
I tried a lot but I don't found a way. It really drives me to despair.

thx & cu
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Re: Make RAM disk persistent (via command line interface)   27 August 2015, 19:15

You can, but you'd need to create an image file of suitable size first, and probably format it as well. Once you have got the image file, you can create a persistent RAM Disk as shown in the examples:
/add:"letter=I, image=c:\image files\filename.img"

Re: Make RAM disk persistent (via command line interface)   27 August 2015, 22:34

Your hint is exactly that what I want laughok, yes, thumb up

Thx a lot

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