C0000043 : Disk can't be mounted , Hidden disk created

Started by shibuup

C0000043 : Disk can't be mounted , Hidden disk created   18 September 2015, 22:56

I have a strange problem. My RAM disk was working till yesterday (Windows 10). Today, to mount it gives error of Operation failed with status code = C0000043 and image status code = Unknown reason 0 The operation completed successfully .

The strange problem it doesn't create Y RAM disk, it creates another hidden disk F: This contains all my data. But this disk can't be unmounted nor this is visible in SoftPerfect RAM UI. I tried all options to remove this disk.. (restart etc...) nothing works...

Any one faced this issue? I am doing persistent disk of 6GB in RAM (NTFS)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: C0000043 : Disk can't be mounted , Hidden disk created   19 September 2015, 12:48

Sorry Windows 10 is not supported yet.

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