AutoSave & AutoPlay

Started by jojorne


AutoSave & AutoPlay   27 January 2016, 20:06

hi, i have 2 questions:

1 - Does Image AutoSave save files even if there are no modifications? For example: if i set AutoSave to 1min, will it keep saving every 1min even if the modifications are done every 30min or so?
(i know i could set the time to 30min but it's just for clarification)

2 - Is there anyway to not run Windows AutoPlay at mount?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: AutoSave & AutoPlay   27 January 2016, 20:33

The software only saves changed blocks, so if nothing was changed, nothing would be written. Though in this case there's no point in setting 1m auto save either. By the way, make a backup copy of your image periodically, just in case.

Regarding disabling auto-play, there's a way through the registry as described here. You may be able to find a utility that does the maths for you.

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