Best way to delete files from RAMDisk without restarting the computer

Started by michael

Hello, I just installed the software. And I want to know how to delete all the files in the ramdisk without restarting the computer.

There are a few ways to delete files:
  • Unmount the ramdisk and mount it again
  • format the ramdisk
  • shift+delete

Which way is the best and harmless to the computer? Is there any other way?
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Re: Best way to delete files from RAMDisk without restarting the computer   19 May 2016, 09:02

It doesn't really matter, but there are slight differences:
  • Unmounting a RAM Disk may break programs that have some files open.
  • Formatting is quicker if you have a lot of files.
  • Deleting file by file may be slower if you have a lot of files.
I would probably choose formatting to clear a RAM drive.
Thanks for your answer! Usually, I download some files onto the ramdisk. I don't want to save the files on the hard disk after reading. So I want to know how to do it. Now I'd like to consult your opinion. Maybe I can press "ctrl+A" to select all the files in the ramdisk and then deleting them with pressing "shift+delete". I can also delete them with formatting the ramdisk.
Thank you for helping me correct the grammar mistakes at the same time!

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