How to setup RAMdisk with permissions not written back to image

Started by Eric

I'm running a ramdisk that I want to startup with specific permissions (e.g. need guest to have full access). I don't want anything that was written to this ramdisk to be saved across reboot - except the permissions for guest.

It would be nice if I could also have it be shared, but I have a workaround for that using ntfs junctions. I share a real disk and just link it to the ramdisk via a junction.

The goal is to be able to have a VMware virtual machine use this ramdisk as a shared network disk drive. I have it all working except that each time I reboot, I have to manually setup the guest permissions on the ramdisk. And that's what I want to automate.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to setup RAMdisk with permissions not written back to image   30 May 2016, 15:07

This can achieved with a ready-only image as follows:
  1. Create an image of the appropriate size (the size of desired RAM Disk) with Image - Create Image.
  2. Mount the image with Image - Mount Image and set the permissions as required.
  3. Dismount the image file with Image - Unmount Image.
  4. Create a RAM Disk and specify the image file prepared above. Do not tick Save Contents to Image.
In the end you will have a RAM Disk populated from the image with the necessary permissions and folders. Any changes written to the RAM Disk will be discarded on shutdown.
Thanks, that worked except it didn't remember that I had set the image as shared. However, I can use my workaround with a junction (link) to the ramdisk.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to setup RAMdisk with permissions not written back to image   02 June 2016, 12:43

Windows keeps the sharing status of a folder or drive separately. If you use a logon-time RAM Disk, Windows will reset the sharing status. You should use a boot-time RAM Disk instead, which is created early and Windows should keep its sharing status.

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