Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?

Started by Kevil


Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?   09 February 2017, 05:20

What format can you suggest for RAM Disk for maximum performance in Windows 10 64-bit? RAW or NTFS?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?   09 February 2017, 09:19

RAW essentially means no file system. You will not be able to write anything to it until it's formatted (unless you have special software that works with unformatted volumes directly).

I'd say go for NTFS, or FAT32 if your files are under 4 GB.

Re: Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?   19 January 2018, 20:59

Here is a very good and detailed explanation of differences, advantages and disadvantages of NTFS, FAT16 and FAT32.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?   19 January 2018, 23:58

That's pretty much correct. I just wanted to add that we've implemented exFAT support in the latest version, which basically brings the best of both worlds:
  • Better performance due to the lack of journalling and optimised file system organisation; and
  • Very high limits on the number of files and their size, more than sufficient for modern usage.

Re: Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?   10 April 2018, 07:04

So you are saying that exFAT will work better (faster) than NTFS?
I'm also using it for internet (chrome / firefox) cache, saving once in 2 hours.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Format for best performance: RAW or NTFS?   10 April 2018, 09:25

Yes, generally exFAT performs about 10-20% better (faster) than NTFS on a RAM disk.

See the attached screenshot for a test output.
open | download – speedtest.png (47.4 KB)

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