How does RAM Disk compare to other options?

Started by Bob


How does RAM Disk compare to other options?   23 January 2018, 12:53

How does SoftPerfect RAM Disk compare to Linux implementation? Do you have benchmarks? Will you software work on Windows 10 and server 2003?

Also, do you have a comparison of using SSD as apposed to using RAM Disk software? At what memory speed do users get a benefit?

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Re: How does RAM Disk compare to other options?   23 January 2018, 12:57

We don't have any comparison with Linux, and a direct comparison would be difficult. For example we are not aware of any disk performance benchmark that would run on both Linux and Windows to make sure we use the same tool on both platforms.

OS support-wise, yes it runs on Windows XP through Windows 10 (client OS) and Windows Server 2003 through 2016 (server OS).

Regarding comparison to SSD, a RAM Disk should be at least 5-10 times faster than a regular SSD drive. Though, as you probably know that it's not a direct replacement, because RAM disks are volatile in nature and are generally used for temporary data.

As to the performance, it is better to test on your specific hardware using this CrystalMark test.

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