Disk does not umount or gets deleted via SSH

Started by Sai


Disk does not umount or gets deleted via SSH   22 September 2018, 19:17

I am trying the RAMdisk utility: triggering it through SSH from a Linux system to a Windows.

Commands are sent across SSH connection to a machine running Windows 10. Disk creation goes through fine, but unmount and deletion never happens. No errors are displayed.

Why do I have this issue and what can I do in this situation?
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Re: Disk does not umount or gets deleted via SSH   22 September 2018, 19:21

That could be happening when the SSH session is isolated from the GUI session and the command cannot reach the running instance.

Are you using ramdisk.exe for passing the commands? If so, we have ramdiskc.exe specifically designed for console and script use. It is located in the application folder.

Any RAM disk created with the console version is not visible in the GUI and disappears upon shutdown. To see its usage syntax simply launch it in a command prompt without any parameters.

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