How to reinstall RAM Disk after a clean OS installation

Started by Massimiliano


How to reinstall RAM Disk after a clean OS installation   01 January 2019, 11:12

Hi. I've made a clean installation of my OS (Windows 10 64bit) and I tried to reinstall RAM Disk software, but the installer tells me that this is no possible because I have to unistall RAM Disk. What can I do to solve the problem?

The warning message says this:

Found an older version of the RAM Disk installed on your computer.
You must uninstall it before you install this update. Please do the following:
* Backup your configuration to a XML file.
* Uninstall the currently installed version.
* Restart the computer and launch this installer again.

PS I have a regular RAM Disk license

Best regards
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Re: How to reinstall RAM Disk after a clean OS installation   01 January 2019, 11:19

That message suggests that some leftovers of a previous installation are still remaining.

Please check in the registry (regedit.exe) whether these keys are present:
If they are, just delete them and the installer should proceed normally.

You may also like to have a look at the following article for more information on complete uninstallation of the RAM Disk and subsequent reinstallation.

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