RAM disk is slower on the new server

Started by Thomas J.

Thomas J.

RAM disk is slower on the new server   06 February 2019, 23:10


We were using a 60GB RAMDisk on our server machine (5 years old, 1 CPU, 8 Core, 8 HT, 128GB RAM). CrystalDiskMark shows Seq READ 6700 MB/s and WRITE 8700 MB/s.

Now we have a new server (2 CPU, 16 Core, 16 HT, 512GB RAM) with 256GB RAMDisk. CrystalDiskMark shows now Seq READ 3200 MB/s and WRTIE 3300 MB/s. Also all other values are nearly half as fast as on old server.

Do you have some suggestions why this happens? No Anti-Virus is running. RAM is faster (2.133 to 2.400), both with ECC.

Thx, Thomas
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: RAM disk is slower on the new server   07 February 2019, 00:07

It's hard to say, but I am guessing for some reason your memory runs slower than it should.

There is a freeware app called MaxxMEM. I recommend benchmarking the RAM on both servers and compare the results.

Then, if the result is also half the speed, it would be a good idea to take a look at the timings and frequencies in CPU-Z or a similar tool. Please post your findings here.

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