Slow boot and shutdown times

Started by Mr. Resistor

Mr. Resistor

Slow boot and shutdown times   02 June 2019, 05:51

I'm seeing very slow shutdown and boot times. 192GB Ram Disk on dual XEON. System boots with SSD Boot Drive. Boot used to take 2 minutes and logs in by itself but boot is now taking 20+ minutes. Is there a way to defer the mount of the RAM disk until after the boot/login completes?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Slow boot and shutdown times   02 June 2019, 10:07

That is way too long for a regular RAM disk. However, if you are using an image file of such a large size, that sounds about right.

Let's say your SSD supports a sustained read rate of 300 MB/s. Then 192 x 1024 MB / 300 = 655 seconds, or nearly 11 minutes just to read the image file. After that some more time is spent during the memory allocation and initialisation.

It is possible to create a RAM Disk after login, but it still won't be usable until a similar time period has passed. To create a new RAM disk, choose Disk – Add or Disk – Add Boot Disk from the main menu. The former will create a RAM disk initialised when a user is logged on, the latter will create a RAM disk initialised during system startup.

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