Upgrade from version 3.4.7

Started by Eric


Upgrade from version 3.4.7   20 July 2019, 09:53

I need to upgrade RAM Disk to go from Windows 1803 to 1903.

If I buy the latest version, can I simply install it over the existing version on Windows 1803 before trying to go to 1903 again? I have one 22GB RAM disk that does not save its state, but is set with 3 created folders and the Windows temporary files folder setup for tmp and temp. Will an installation of the latest version find my existing RAM disk? Can I try the free trial version?

Is the latest version compatible with these settings? So, before I jump in, was wondering if there are any gotchas.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Upgrade from version 3.4.7   20 July 2019, 18:26

The best way to upgrade to the latest version from 3.4.7 and get a free trial would be as follows:
  1. Temporarily reassign your temporary folders to a hard disk location, i.e. C:\temp.
  2. Backup your disk definitions via File - Export Disks.
  3. Uninstall the currently installed (old) version and reboot. If you have any issues with incomplete uninstallation, see this page.
  4. Install the latest version downloaded from RAM Disk product page.
  5. Restore your disk definitions via File - Import Disks.
  6. Mount them via Disks - Mount All.
  7. Reassign your temporary folders back to the RAM disk.

By the way, now you can choose to use exFAT instead of NTFS for better performance. See this article for details.

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