RAMdisk is still showing as a drive after uninstallation

Started by FON

Hi there:
  1. I uninstalled RAM Disk.
  2. The mounted volume is still showing in explorer BUT not is Disk Management.
  3. Tried command prompt (bcdedit) to list devices and disks, but volume not showing.
  4. Tried installing the software again, but it says I still have the old copy installed (!?).
  5. Tried Revo Uninstall and Total Uninstaller to remove traces but they did not encounter anything.
In short - How to unmount the volume that Ramdisk left behind after uninstallation?
Thanks in advance
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Re: RAMdisk is still showing as a drive after uninstallation   05 May 2020, 20:30

A complete uninstall and reboot should have cleared everything. If for some reason that hasn't happened, please follow these steps to remove the components manually and then reboot.

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