Using continuous backup program with a RAM disk

Started by PrestonLMcClain

Using continuous backup program with a RAM disk   08 May 2020, 05:51

There are continuous backup programs out there that backup data when the user makes the slightest modification (like Acronis Recovery and Resilio Sync). Can I install these programs on the SoftPerfect RAM Disk and have the program constantly back up all the data from the RAM disk to the hard drive or a network drive?

Wouldn't this be a good solution for eliminating the danger of a power outage leading to data loss? Using something like a continuous backup program would prevent even the smallest loss in data, no? Or, does it not work that way?
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Re: Using continuous backup program with a RAM disk   08 May 2020, 09:51

There is no point in installing continuous backup programs on the actual RAM disk, as explained in this topic. However, you can use them to back up the contents of a RAM disk whenever it changes.

Regarding the data loss in a power outage, there is always a chance of loss, even with continuous backups. For example, you have saved a file to a RAM disk. Your continuous backup program picked that up and started copying it to the hard drive. In the middle of this process the system loses power. The file is gone from RAM and only half of it was written to the hard drive, resulting in either a broken file (in case the backup program retains it) or a lost file (in case the backup program removes it).

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