Driver version hasn't changed after update

Started by Mihai


Driver version hasn't changed after update   07 June 2020, 09:40

Upgraded my trial from version 4.0.9 to 4.1.0. Is it normal for the driver version to remain unchanged? It still shows 4.0.9 in the device manager?
Or should upgrades be done with a full uninstall beforehand?

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Re: Driver version hasn't changed after update   07 June 2020, 09:45

There are two possible situations that could lead to this issue:
  • The driver version number was incorrect during the first few days after the release of 4.1.0. If you happened to download RAM Disk during those days, simply try downloading the latest build again and installing it over.
  • The driver can only be updated after a reboot, so if you hadn't rebooted yet, the driver will still be showing the old version.

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