Family pack license

Started by PrestonLMcClain

Family pack license   16 July 2020, 01:57


I was looking to get SoftPerfect RAM Disk for my family. Do you offer family licenses? I like your RAM Disk, but I don't want to pay out hundreds of dollars for RAM disks for my little kids.

And, do you offer any lifetime licenses so I don't have to worry about whether the update covers my version? I'm assuming the current license only covers for a year.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Family pack license   16 July 2020, 09:30

The reason we don't offer family licences for the RAM Disk is its target audience. Essentially, it is a product for experienced users, businesses and IT geeks running resource-consuming software and/or wishing to squeeze every bit of performance out of their systems for their work-related needs. RAM Disk is not normally installed on kids computers.

However, if that's what you want to do, we do offer discounted 10-licence packs (can be selected on the RAM Disk order page) and lifetime licences (can be selected on the next page when placing the order). If you are still unsure, you can send us a private message detailing how you plan to use the RAM Disk within your family, and we'll try to come up with a solution for you.

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