API for RAM Disk

Started by David


API for RAM Disk   24 July 2020, 12:16

Dear support,

This is not really a support problem with the product, but more of an "information request" type query. I am using your product and am impressed with it. I am curious if there is an API for this tool? I am guessing not, as I haven't seen any documentation for it, but I would love to see a .NET api, that will allow me to create a disk at run time, with the possibility of "expanding" it if needed. This would be very powerful indeed and would match other ram-disk type products that offer this. However, like I said, I am happy with the performance of this tool, so would like to continue using it (especially because its an Australian tool).

If there is an API available, then this could potentially enable us to provide support for your product in our software. This could expose your product to all of our clients, if an integration is possible.

Anyway, if you do not have a .NET wrapper or any API, can you let me know if this is on the horizon or something that would be considered going forward?

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Re: API for RAM Disk   24 July 2020, 12:33

There isn't any API unfortunately, but there is a command-line support.

Specifically, SoftPerfect RAM Disk has a console version (the ramdiskc file in its program folder), designed for use in batch files and scripts. You can simply execute the console command with the required arguments and analyse the exit code to see if it succeeded.

This is what the console version looks like:

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