Loading programs from RAM disk

Started by Steve


Loading programs from RAM disk   27 July 2020, 17:04

Just wondering if it would be possible to load apps, such as MS Excel, from a RAM disk?

I don't reboot very often, but loading Excel, even from my M.2 SSD seems slow. Would it load faster from your RAM Disk (if that is possible), or is the loading time due to MS processing/setup?

I have i7-6700K with 32 GB RAM, waiting for PCIe 4.0 based intel before upgrading.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
Best regards,
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Re: Loading programs from RAM disk   27 July 2020, 17:11

It is usually possible, and you can try it if you wish, but it is likely that you will not see much improvement and may run into some issues.

We have a Knowledge Base article about installing applications on a RAM disk, please have a look at it for more information. Though, with 32 GB RAM and the fact that you normally do not reboot your system, it looks like the relatively slow starting time of MS Excel is just the way it is.

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