How to stop the resetting of Chrome and Edge cache relocation

Started by hurleyp

How to stop the resetting of Chrome and Edge cache relocation   15 December 2020, 01:53

I'm evaluating RAM Disk 4.1.1 64-bit and Cache Relocator 1.5 on Windows 10 Pro/64 19042.685.

I've redirected the caches for Firefox, Chrome, and Edge to the RAM disk, R:/cache. Then I've noticed that occasionally the cache directory for Edge and Chrome will revert to the default. Is there a workaround for this?
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Re: How to stop the resetting of Chrome and Edge cache relocation   15 December 2020, 10:11

It looks like occasionally a new version of Chrome/Edge deletes the symbolic link and re-creates a regular cache directory. I am not quite sure why they are doing that though, maybe because their cache format changes from version to version.

One way to deal with this would to run the Cache Relocator periodically to check if the redirection is in place.
Otherwise, you can edit the shortcut that you use to open Chrome/Edge and add the --disk-cache-dir parameter. For example, your shortcut could look like this, where R:\Cache is a RAM disk folder:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disk-cache-dir=R:\Cache
This should always use the specified location.

Re: How to stop the resetting of Chrome and Edge cache relocation   18 December 2020, 00:04

Thanks, I'll give that a try.


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