"Patch Tuesday" and Temp/Tmp folders on a RAM disk

Started by gldisk

"Patch Tuesday" and Temp/Tmp folders on a RAM disk   28 April 2021, 02:57

I'm using the "Set Windows TEMP folder..." feature of SoftPerfect Ram Disk to redirect Temp and Tmp variables from the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp folder to a 1GB RAMdisk whose content is erased on every boot.

Can this kind of setup cause problems with Windows 10 periodic updates that probably use the above mentioned temporary files folder to apply the fixes of each "Patch Tuesday" ?

Thank you.
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Re: "Patch Tuesday" and Temp/Tmp folders on a RAM disk   28 April 2021, 07:25

As far as I know Windows updates use the system temporary folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Temp, instead of the user temporary folder in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp

At least, we have never had any problems with updates with user temporary folders TEMP and TMP pointing to a volatile RAM disk.

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