Motherboard RAM limitations

Started by eCliPZ


Motherboard RAM limitations   27 May 2021, 05:22

Hi, when I previously used this RAMdisk software, it was capable of "seeing" beyond the motherboard RAM limitations. For example, when placing 128 GB of RAM in a board only capable of using 64 GB, it could see 128 GB.

Is this still the case?
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Re: Motherboard RAM limitations   27 May 2021, 10:06

I am not sure, it may have been a different ramdisk product. Our RAM Disk can use as much RAM as Windows can use. If Windows somehow sees 128 GB on a 64 GB board, it will work. Otherwise it will not.

Re: Motherboard RAM limitations   27 May 2021, 16:02

Thanks. Hopefully someone else has thought of this and tried, or is capable of testing. I can't justify buying 64GB DIMMs at this stage. Though I would prefer to do just that.

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