How to move TEMP folders from RAM disk back to physical disk

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Some time ago I moved my Windows 10 TEMP and TMP folders from the hard disk (C:) to my RAM disk (Z:).

Now I'm wondering... if in the future I want to uninstall RAM Disk or simply revert back to the default system location for my temporary folders, how should I do it?
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Re: How to move TEMP folders from RAM disk back to physical disk   18 November 2022, 18:12

If you still have the RAM Disk application installed and operational, you can the TMP and TEMP variables to their default values via menu Tools:

SoftPerfect support forum

If you no longer have RAM Disk:
  1. press Win+R (Run)
  2. type sysdm.cpl and launch it
  3. go to Advanced tab, then Environment Variables...
  4. in the User variables section select TEMP, press Edit... and set it to %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp
  5. repeat the same edit for TMP

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