Cache Relocator for Chrome browser with multiple profiles

Started by Mark

Seems like the recent Chrome update now allows for multiple browser profiles (not just accounts) on the same machine. Overall, a good change for Chrome, but Cache Relocator no longer finds the cache and allows you to move it to the RAMdisk. Any plans to update CR to account for this?

Looking at the new Chrome directory structure I believe the cache is no longer stored in ..\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache but in ..\Chrome\User Data\Profile X\Cache. Since you can have multiple profiles, I'd think you'd need to list Chrome multiple times in the interface - once for each profile.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Cache Relocator for Chrome browser with multiple profiles   05 January 2023, 12:29

Added in the latest version 1.7. Multiple profiles should now be supported with all Chromium-based browsers, including Chrome itself:

SoftPerfect support forum

Cache Relocator for LibreWolf browser   05 January 2023, 13:41

Is it possible to add support for the LibreWolf? It's a Firefox-based browser,

Thank you for your time!

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Cache Relocator for LibreWolf browser   05 January 2023, 15:10

LibreWolf is now supported, as well as Pale Moon and Waterfox. Please download the new build from the Cache Relocator home page.
Very handy tool. Two things, though:
1. It would be nice to have an option to quickly see the total size occupied by a particular cache, along with the number of files (and the average file size) of those files. That'd be good for massive caches with like tens of thousands of accumulated files in them.
2. I wanted to say support for "Ungoogled Chromium" (, but it already supports Chromium, though it reports it as another browser.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Cache Relocator for Chrome browser with multiple profiles   17 January 2023, 11:50

That's a good idea. The latest build now shows the cache size and number of files in it:

SoftPerfect support forum
ahh very nice, you made quick work of that one.

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