IPv4 address numbers are limited to 2 digits each

Started by William


IPv4 address numbers are limited to 2 digits each   02 June 2021, 10:51

I cannot enter a filter for IP address with more than 2 digits per each dot-separated decimal number. I am selecting Any IPv4 address as the general filter, and Single IP address. All four parts of the field are limited to two digits. What am I doing wrong?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: IPv4 address numbers are limited to 2 digits each   02 June 2021, 10:53

Thank you for reporting this issue. It sounds like a bug in our product that is related to custom DPI settings. Do you know what your monitor DPI settings are (specifically scaling in %)?
Scale and layout settings:
Size of text, apps, and other items: 100% (Recommended)
Display resolution: 2560x1440 (Recommended)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: IPv4 address numbers are limited to 2 digits each   02 June 2021, 12:44

We have fixed this issue. Please download the latest build. You can install it over your current installation. After that, it should accept 3-digit octets in IP addresses.
This fixed the problem, thank you.

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