What is packet duplication?

Started by Michael


What is packet duplication?   23 May 2023, 11:37

What type of packets does packet duplication duplicate? I am not exactly sure what the duplication feature does.
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Re: What is packet duplication?   23 May 2023, 11:42

The packet duplication feature replicates a random packet within the network stream, simulating the behaviour of faulty network devices. It helps evaluate the performance and resilience of network applications under such conditions.

When a TCP/IP packet is duplicated in a computer network, an exact copy of the packet is created and sent separately. This duplication mainly affects transport layer protocols like TCP, potentially causing:
  • Out-of-order packet delivery issues, disrupting the correct sequence of data delivery.
  • Retransmission confusion due to incorrect acknowledgments or delays.
  • Performance impact from increased network traffic and processing overhead.
  • Application-specific handling of duplicates, depending on design.

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