Support for 10Gbps connections

Started by bgfrayman

Support for 10Gbps connections   16 May 2024, 19:35

Hello there,
I will need to verify replication between two hosts connected over 10Gb links with delay of 50ms.
My idea is to put Connection Emulator on separate server with two 10G nic's standing in between the two hosts:

Server_A / 10Gbps --> ConnectionEmulator_LAN-A (10Gbps) / ConnectionEmulator_LAB-B (10Gbps) --> Server_B / 10Gbps

To ensure smooth replication over Ethernet, I will need to verify that it will go well when adding 50ms delay.
All will be in the same VLAN, Server_A and Server_B.

I need to be sure that I can achieve that before to continue with lic. purchase.

Thanks in advance for your answer.
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Re: Support for 10Gbps connections   16 May 2024, 19:38

Unfortunately our product wouldn't be able to support high speeds over 1 Gbps.

For your scenario, you may be able to use Linux and the tc command as explained here.

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