No VLAN information on Juniper switches

Started by Jamie


No VLAN information on Juniper switches   08 November 2021, 17:21


I am evaluating your Switch Port Mapper product on an all Juniper EX switch network. The product works well, except I cannot seen any VLAN information from any Juniper EX switches. Does your product support Juniper EX series switches? Is there something I need to do to see this information?

Thank you,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: No VLAN information on Juniper switches   08 November 2021, 17:44

It turns out that some Juniper devices have a broken Q-BRIDGE-MIB implementation, as discussed here.

We have added a workaround that should work with both Juniper and non-Juniper devices. Please download the new build and let us know how it works for you.

Re: No VLAN information on Juniper switches   09 November 2021, 12:09

That worked perfectly! I am now able to see the VLAN information. When will this version be released?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: No VLAN information on Juniper switches   09 November 2021, 14:58

It has just been released. You can download the latest version from Port Mapper product page.

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